Monique experienced the horrors of war when she visited a refugee camp in Namibia with her mother (a nursing sister) at a young age. It was during this time where her passion for helping the vulnerable and endangered was born. Before her kidnapping she raised funds for Pretoria Child Welfare, Pretoria Zoo, Wildlife Society Malawi, Northern Transvaal Association of the Physical Disabled and the J&B Circle.
On the last night of her captivity she had a supernatural experience during which she received confirmation that she would survive and also a calling to dedicate her life to help others. Upon her return to South Africa she scaled down her media business and started two charity foundations - the Strydom Trust and two years the award winning Matla A Bana, A voice against child abuse. Strydom Trust has been instrumental in distributing millions to various charities and causes in South Africa.
Matla a Bana has been her main focus since 2002 and is currently assisting 30 000 plus child abuse victims a year.